To sign up for text updates for students in grades 1 through confirmation, please follow the directions here.
Directions Here
Please contact us to let us know if your child will be absent. Email is the best way, but you can also call the office.
If you are dropping your child(ren) off, please have your child(ren) stay in the car in the car line until the door opens at 9:00am. If your family is attending the 8:00am mass, please wait in the church hall until 8:55 when the teachers will come gather the children as a group to bring them over to class.
If your family will be attending the 10:00am mass, the teachers will bring your child(ren) over to you in the church at 9:55am. If you will be picking up your child at dismissal, please line up in the car line by 9:55am.
February 9, 23
March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
April 6
February 4, 11, 25
March 4, 11, 18, 25
April 1, 8
As always, our program cannot take place without the help of volunteers. Please consider volunteering your time as a substitute teacher.
The cost for the program is $100 per student with a family cap of $200. There is an additional fee of $50 for those students in a sacramental year (1st Communion and Confirmation). As an example, if a family has 3 children in classes they would pay $200 for their religious education fees, plus $50 per any child making their 1st Communion or Confirmation. Payments can be mailed to parish office attn: Religious Education at 40 Brattle St Worcester, MA 01606. Any checks can be made out to St George Church. Venmo is also option @Sarah-Kelly-99