We have open meal dates for 2024. If your organization or business is interested in providing a meal or providing part of one (salad, dessert), call Paula at 508-243-0735 or email [email protected].
Current open meal dates: May 24; July 3, 5, 22, 24; August 1, 2, 21, 22, 23; September 2, 5, 23; October 4; November 22; December 26.
Michael Boover will be facilitating discussions about the Christian mystics the third Saturday of every month at the Mustard Seed. The next meeting is March 16 at 3pm. The theme this month is “From the Desert to Monte Cassino: From Cassian to Benedict.” Refreshments to follow.
The Mustard Seed book and movie club will meet Friday, April 19, at 6:30pm. The book is Unreasonable Hospitality, Will Guidara's memoir about the high-end restaurant business. In keeping with our tradition of picking books that have been adapted for film or TV, we'll also discuss "The Bear" Season 2, Episode 7, which draws significant inspiration from this book. To borrow a copy or for more information, contact Nicole at [email protected].
We can use donations of ground coffee for our daily meal. Our food pantry can use donations of soup, tuna in water, pasta sauce, pasta, peanut butter, jelly, unsweetened cereal, and canned vegetables. Our clothing pantry can use donations of sweatshirts, sweatpants, sneakers, and new men's and women's socks. You can drop off donations Monday-Friday from 4pm–6:30pm at 93 Piedmont Street. Thanks to everyone who donates to keep these projects going!
Mass will be celebrated in the upstairs chapel at the Mustard Seed the following Fridays at 7pm: March 15 (Fr. Paul O’Connell), April 12 (Fr. John Madden), May 10 (Fr. Richard Trainor). We pray the night prayer together at 6:30pm Mondays and Fridays.
For more information or to make a donation, visit us at mustardseedcw.orgOur mailing address is: The Mustard Seed, PO Box 2592, Worcester MA 01613.
Our street address is:
Light is often taken for granted. When it gets dark, we simply fip a switch and enjoy the illumination that a lamp or fixture provides for us. We can continue reading, writing, or working on a project. We feel a sense of security knowing that the lights are on. However, when it gets dark out on the streets or in wooded areas where homeless folks live, darkness lasts until the sun rises again.
Hand crank powered or solar powered flashlights are so helpful in many ways. They provide light without the need for batteries. Most cost less than $20. Please consider donating the gift of light to a vulnerable person in our city. Case workers who serve folks in isolated areas will deliver the flashlights to those who are most in need. Please purchase and drop off in the Outreach Area or make a donation to cover the cost. Speak with Annie Doyle to help, or share a question.
You Can Help to Prevent Homelessness by using “Hope for Housing cards” to buy your weekly groceries. You receive the full value of the a card in the amount you choose. The stores (Stop & Shop, CVS, Panera, and more) donate up to 5% of that amount to “Hope for Housing” to assist children with families in crisis.
Cards are sold after Masses and special arrangements are available. Call Dave and Sue Genereux at 508-829-5776 or email them [email protected] for more information.
Join Our Prayer Shawl Ministry in 2024!
Thank you to all of our faithful knitters who continue to spread comfort and kindness through their generous work! During this difficult time we knit and pray as we work from home. New members are invited to join this important ministry of outreach to the sick, suffering and lonely.
Feel free to contact Kathy Hessel with any questions at [email protected]
Catholic Worker House http://www.catholicfreepress.org/lead-story-1/2012/08/02/keeping-the-catholic-worker-house-a-home-for-25-years/
Center for Nonviolent Solutions http://www.nonviolentsolutions.org/
Hope for Housing http://www.cmhaonline.org/