Large Adult Cleansing Bath Wipes are $3 per pack. Your donation could make it possible. With public showers often unavailable, these are really needed.
· small travel toothbrushes and toothpaste $1 at the Dollar Store
· Small bars of soap and toilet paper
· men’s/women’s socks The homeless walk many miles each day to find food pantries, meal programs and thrift stores. Rain is always an added challenge.
· men’s/women’s underwear- these are essential, expensive, and greatly appreciated.
Food is still needed. Your food donations are still picked up from the “Outreach Collection Area”. Non perishable food items, toilet paper, and cleaning products are a constant need as well.
All donations can be left in the St. George Outreach Collection Area at the church basement level, inside the parking lot side door.
Current needs: Cans of Tuna Fish, Mac and Cheese, and Jelly ($1.25 at the Dollar Store) Healthy snacks for children coming home from school are a special treat, too.
You are invited to join the St. George Parish “Food Donation Team.” Together we hope to increase our nonperishable food donations for the hungry. If you are open to receiving a weekly email with information from Dave Jarry on local sales of items that are needed in our local food pantries then consider yourself part of the team!
For more detailed information or to share your own thoughts and to join the team, just email Dave at [email protected].
All non-perishable food items are welcome!
As a faith community partner of the Interfaith Hospitality Network Shelter, St. George Parish continues to provide safe shelter as well as counseling and job training for six families. Current needs include
See Dave and Sue Genereux who are in the Church Hall after every Mass. Contact them at 978-833-0306 or email [email protected] for more information.
Hope for Housing is a non-profit program developed by the Interfaith Coalition to Prevent Family Homelessness with assistance from the Central Massachusetts Housing Alliance. The project raises awareness about homelessness in our community and utilizes the collective buying power of congregations to raise money for the prevention of family homelessness. Currently 30 congregations are participating in the program.
The fastest growing homeless population is children. It has been demonstrated that children who are homeless experience deflated self worth, diminished school achievement and related health and emotional issue.
Elderly residents in our nearby rest home are wondering if I might have sweaters or sweatshirts to share with them.
The guests at the Mustard Seed are also in need of sweatshirts, long sleeved shirts and blankets.
Current Outreach needs include
Deodorant Back Packs Gently used sweatshirts Shirts with long sleeves Light blankets Sleeping bags Hygiene products Light jackets sweaters Non-perishable food, toilet paper
As always, non-perishable food items are always needed, especially breakfast cereal.
Items can be left in the Outreach Area - inside the parking lot door.
Visit Urban Missionaries online. One great way to support the Urban Missionaries is with donations of clothing, household items, furniture, and even bottles and cans. Through donations like these we are able to continue running our retail programs and other charitable programs.
You can bring donations directly to the Little Store at 242 Canterbury Street, Worcester, MA. Feel free to load up a truck or car, and bring it right to the door. Our friendly and helpful staff and volunteers will come out to take a look at the donation, and give you a hand bringing it all in.
Another way to make donations is to call and schedule a time and date for us to bring our box truck right to your door! We will be happy to drive out for a visit and bring your donations right back to the Little Store. There is a shared maintenance fee for us to bring the box truck to you, depending on the town you live in.
For more information, call 508-831-7455. We will set up a time and date for our volunteer crew to come out and pick up a donation, or give information on items we may be interested in.
Founded in 1985, the DCH is a simple and unique furniture program that provides donated items of furniture and household goods to families and individuals moving out of shelter to permanent housing, victims of fire, or those fleeing domestic violence, DCF reunification and elders at risk. Household items are distributed to them free of charge.
Click this link for hours and more info.
Items not suitable for our Mustard Seed neighbors might be donated in the St. Vincent dePaul bin at the back of the parish parking lot.
Click HERE to read details of the what and where
you can donate to those in need.
Spring cleaning time is the perfect time to support
those in our area who are in need.
In Hudson you'll find Fresh Start Furniture, working with WARM, Worcester Area Refugee Ministry. They completely set up the apartments for refugee in a clean and beautiful way.
Click for Info
“Loaves and Fishes” Food Pantry can use help to stock groceries. Contact Betsy at [email protected] for details & dates.