This year the Giving Tree gifts will be donated to Aids Project Worcester, Winter Hill Rest Home, Blaire House, Crescent Manor Rest Home, St. Mary‟s Health Care, The Bridge (Now called Open Sky), St Francis Nursing Home, Diocesan Seminarians, and the Mustard Seed Catholic Worker. There are several requests for larger size sweatshirts and sweatpants. We know that these can sometimes be challenging needs to fill, so please know that we appreciate your extra effort to find these gifts. It is really a special treat for our neighbors, who must usually wear second hand, ill fitting clothing, to receive something new and warm!
Please - As we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace - No toy guns or violent toys. Also, no battery operated items - these are too expensive for the poor to replace. Please, no cash and no food. Please wrap your Giving Tree Gift loosely in a GIFT BAG or RECYCLABLE BAG and reattach the tag. Kindly return it to the church no later than December 8th at the 11:00 AM Mass.
There are many specific and special requests this year. It is especially important that you fill this need so that the wish is granted and the person or child in need is not left without a gift on Christmas morning.