During this time, as we await the day when our parish may open its doors again, we continue to pray for those affected by the virus, the healthcare workers, and all whose livelihood is disrupted. Our parish will be ready to welcome its vibrant community ‘home’ as soon as it is feasible and safe. Our buildings must be maintained and no one could predict this extraordinary event. Offertory donations can be delivered in several ways. Online giving is an easy and safe method. You can make your donations weekly or monthly. If you need assistance with online giving, please contact Kathy Hessel at [email protected] Alternatively, should you wish to drop your envelopes at the rectory, the mail box on the front porch is available and checked regularly. Finally, some parishioners send their donations through the regular mail. Please know that we are sensitive to the households already impacted by this temporary loss of employment. Thank you for your support of our parish. If you or anyone in your family is in need of assistance, please contact our Pastoral Outreach Coordinator, Annie Doyle, at 508-450-4134.